EP 768 Climate Science and Denial Go Back a Long Way PART 1

EP 768 Climate Science and Denial Go Back a Long Way PART 1

Climate change(aka global warming)and warming denial– human-engineered and accelerating at a rapid clip–have been on display in America for at least 4 decades, dating back to when then Vice President Al Gore shared with us “An Inconvenient Truth.”  Scientists were aware of what our industrial and consumer advances–electricity, gas guzzling cars and growing use of …

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EP 767 Often Misunderstood Rural America

EP 767 Often Misunderstood Rural America

Many books have been written in the recent period about rural America.  The beginning of this literary push to better understand  the opportunities, problems and malignancies of what one author coined ‘overlooked Americans’ in the hinterlands of non-metropolitan areas was J. D. Vance’s “Hillbilly Elegy” which raised many questions. It dealt with the character of …

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EP 766 The(Present) and Future of War is in Space

EP 766 The(Present) and Future of War is in Space

His day job involves commenting on what’s happening in real time around the globe but David Ignatius, the highly respected foreign affairs columnist of the Washington Post, also uses his journalistic sources and methods as the basis for compelling fiction. Thus his latest spy novel “Phantom Orbit” offers great insights into the importance of America’s …

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EP 765 Better Solutions Available for Men with Enlarged Prostates

EP 765 Better Solutions Available for Men with Enlarged Prostates

One of the fastest growing demographic cohorts in America is men over the age of 60.  Growing with this group, in a majority of instances, is their prostate.  That gland gets much attention primarily as men age and doctors track their PSA number for the potential of being cancerous..  Less discussed, but quite impactful, is …

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EP 764 Are We Looking for Happiness in the Wrong Places?

EP 764 Are We Looking for Happiness in the Wrong Places?

The pursuit of happiness is a birthright for those of us who are American citizens. It’s right there in the Declaration of Independence, which itself seems rather odd.  We are not guaranteed that state of satisfaction and by recent polling and just a good look around there are lots of unhappy people in this country.  …

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EP 763 Israel and Hamas: How is the Conflict Trending?

EP 763 Israel and Hamas: How is the Conflict Trending?

Aaron Stein, president of the Foreign Policy Research Institute(fpri.org), shares his insights with us on the Israel-Hamas conflict.  With as many critical issues affected by it, first and foremost the lives of the hostages and citizens on both Israel and Gaza, we wanted to find an expert to help us to better understand these turbulent …

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EP 762 Is Today’s U.S. Senate Up to the Task the Framers Intended?

EP 762 Is Today’s U.S. Senate Up to the Task the Framers Intended?

The U.S. Senate has particular Constitutional responsibilities and political duties.  As the deliberative body it is meant to check the impulses of a more rambunctious House of Representatives, confirm judicial appointments, ratify treaties and, when necessary, act as the jury in the event of the impeachment of the President or Cabinet officials.  Ira Shapiro, Senate …

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EP 761 Murder Case Decades Back Reminds Us How People ‘Othered’ Can Be Wrongfully Accused

EP 761 Murder Case Decades Back Reminds Us How People ‘Othered’ Can Be Wrongfully Accused

When Alvin Ridley’s wife was discovered dead in their home, residents of the small town of Ringgold, Georgia assumed the recluse, hoarder, and odd fellow naturally murdered her.  His difficulty in communicating what took place added to the conclusion many had drawn about his guilt.  As it turns out, they were proven wrong in a …

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EP 760 America’s Two Major Parties: Hollowed Out and Underperforming

EP 760 America’s Two Major Parties: Hollowed Out and Underperforming

While our parties may only from time to time have lived up to the mission of truly organizing our political discourse and developing serious nuts and bolts efforts toward major transformations that benefit our society. Yet when they have, the impact had been remarkable. So says today’s guest Daniel Schlozman and Sam Rosenfeld, political scientists …

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