EP 777 Does America Have the Cultural Capital to Fight Political Exhaustion?

EP 777 Does America Have the Cultural Capital to Fight Political Exhaustion?

We know that liberal democracy in America has always contained contradictions–all men are created equal as slavery defines the economic order of the Revolutionary moment, as one example.  And while we have had a noble, but abstract, commitment to freedom, justice, and equality, tragically, that has seldom been realized in practice.  The fraught politics of …

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EP 774 The Mysteries of The White House Explored

EP 774 The Mysteries of The White House Explored

The White House, as a place, conjures up much about our history as we envision the remarkable people and the momentous events that have comprised its remarkable story.  We’ve watched Oval Office addresses, seen press briefings and events of State with major performers there.  If you’re old enough to remember, then First Lady Jackie Kennedy …

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EP 704 Heat is a Silent, Invisible Killer

EP 704 Heat is a Silent, Invisible Killer

Heat has a pretty ‘cool’ connotation–that song is hot, let’s getaway to a warm destination and that car is smokin’–but in the modern parlance of climate change– heat is anything but.  In fact, it lies at the root of virtually all of the climate related calamities–wildfires, hurricanes and just suffocating heatwaves that may not show …

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EP 773 From Inflation to the Private Equity Bubble: Where is the Economy Headed?

EP 773 From Inflation to the Private Equity Bubble: Where is the Economy Headed?

Many money matters are trending in our economy.  Some, like softening, but stubborn, inflation still tops the list of what people sense about these economic times.  And while recent price reductions at McDonald’s, Wal-Mart and grocery food chains, like Stop & Shop, suggest retailers are sensing that consumers have reached a tipping point and are …

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EP 772 Is Liberalism a Way of Life?

EP 772 Is Liberalism a Way of Life?

Our guest, Alexandre Lefebvre, author of “Liberalism as a Way of Life”, poses a provocative question–where do our values and beliefs come from in a time when fewer of us claim to belong to a specific religion or follow it in any meaningful way? We might say from our parents, our friends, our experiences, or …

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EP 771 Just Because We’re Not Talking About It Doesn’t Mean the Opioid Crisis Has Gone Away

EP 771 Just Because We’re Not Talking About It Doesn’t Mean the Opioid Crisis Has Gone Away

The opioid crisis doesn’t get the headlines it once did, but in no way should that fact be interpreted as suggesting it’s gone away.  By all accounts it remains stubbornly destructive and shocking in its impacts.  We’ve moved it out of the doctor’s office and pharmacists hands into the laps of the cartels which have …

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EP 770 How Can We Work to Live an Antiracist Life

EP 770 How Can We Work to Live an Antiracist Life

Biases, prejudices and preconceptions are part of living.  Sometimes it’s because of the way we were raised, the messages we receive through various sources and the politics of this moment, as the GOP’s presumptive presidential candidate refers to people coming across the border as ‘animals’.  In the multi-racial and multi-ethnic society in which we live, …

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