EP 643 Wildlife Management in America Sees Federal Government and States in Conflict

EP 643 Wildlife Management in America Sees Federal Government and States in Conflict

The Constitution reserves many responsibilities to states and enumerates clearly those that the federal government can undertake.  Wildlife management was one of those state focused responsibilities until the earliest days of the 20th century and then with the Lacey Act and Migratory Bird Treaty Act, responsibilities began to be shared or taken over by the federal government.  In the case of wildlife management, such as migratory birds or many other species of animals who traverse boundaries of states, it makes sense that policy be directed from a national perspective.  In 1973 with the passage of the Endangered Species Act further duties were taken on by the federal government but still much of the work on the ground was being done by the states. The friction now results in where the funding comes from to protect species further impacted by climate change.  If you care about critters, please listen in and make your voice heard about public policy debates ongoing.  Lawyer, conservationist, historian and author, Lowell Baier, joins us today on the podcast to discuss.

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