EP 702 Why is the Army Having Such Difficulty Recruiting?

EP 702 Why is the Army Having Such Difficulty Recruiting?

America has had an all volunteer armed forces for 50 years now and the likelihood of going back to a draft anytime soon is remote.  Yet, our military obligations are many as we have service members positioned around the globe, most recently deploying thousands to watch the simmering powder keg in the Middle East.  A small percentage of young Americans would seriously consider military service–2023 is the worst year for recruiting since the All Volunteer Force began–and many others do not qualify because of emotional, physical, and academic reasons.  The military is well aware that it has a problem and is using bonuses, special training programs and considering changes in standards to address this problem.  In fact, they are even initiating new branding campaigns and attempting to use social media more effectively.  The other issue they’re facing at this moment is a hot job market in America as private employers are adding to pay and benefits.  And capping all this is that there is no particular patriotic motivation to join on the heels of less than conclusive efforts in the Middle East and uncertainty as to whether China is an enemy or a competitor.  To discuss all of this with us is Lindsay Cohn, Ph.D. and an Associate Professor of National Security Affairs at the Naval War College.

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