EP 681 A Health Care System That Pleases No One

EP 681 A Health Care System That Pleases No One

Have you talked to anyone lately who thinks that the system of health care we have now is working just fine?  I didn’t think so.  You may have coverage but your co-pays and deductibles are going up and up.  You may be eligible for government help but you didn’t know you were and, therefore, didn’t sign up.  Or you made it to a stage of life when you’re eligible for Medicare but you didn’t realize all the choices you have to make about your coverage and the fact that the average Medicare recipient is still paying $5,000 a year for services.  And on top of all this you are imprisoned in a job because your employer provides your health care and going out on your own, even with the Affordable Care Act in effect, might not provide you with the same coverage.  In total, our system is a mess and unlike anything in the rest of the industrialized world.  This system of coverage and delivery does not need a new coat of paint.  It needs to be re-built in full, according to Liran Einav and today’s guest, Amy Finkelstein, who co-authored the book, “We’ve Got You Covered: Rebooting American Health Care.”  It will happen, but like all things political in America not without much time and energy and enough people finally coming together to say enough is enough.  Change it.  What with?  Find out today on this podcast.

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