EP 779 Who is Kamala Harris?

EP 779 Who is Kamala Harris?


She may be our next president as she heads into the August Democratic Convention with a full head of steam following President Joe Biden’s decision not to run again.  And while she has a long career as a prosecutor, district attorney, Attorney General of California, U.S. Senator from the Golden State and Vice President, there are conflicting narratives about her.  Is she tough on crime or not?  Does she want Medicare for All or has she reversed that position?  Is she liberal or more moderate?  Finally, how effective a chief executive would she be?  All of these questions will be answered in the course of a short campaign, less than one hundred days, but the question is who will define her in the eyes of the voters–the Republicans or her campaign?  To discuss all of this with us is John(Jack)Pitney, a Claremont McKenna College politics professor, who has followed Harris’ career for decades.

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